The Horsemen of my Mindset: Alexander Hamilton

Jason Casimiro
4 min readNov 15, 2021

Alexander Hamilton: one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Someone who I never thought I would consider a role model or idol in my life, until Lin Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton premiered on Disney+ in summer of 2020. I wasn’t the biggest fan of musicals, but this Broadway about one of America’s most impactful historical figures changed that for me.

It took me around 3 full watches before I got the gist of most of the music, but my god was it influential to see Hamilton relentless go after his goals, despite the hardships that he had to face. From this musical, I was able to take away numerous lessons from the portrayal of this character.

Don’t throw away your shot

Hamilton was a young and eager man to learn and chase after his dreams. Incredibly ambitious, he would do anything to make sure he was one step closer in achieving his many goals. Because of this, he took on any opportunity that he saw, essential never throwing away his “shot” at something.

I took this with me when jumping into UX. I took a gamble and accept any opportunities that I saw my way, only viewing it as a valuable part of my growth. Books, podcasts, events, webinars, I took on everything and took a shot at anything that I was curious about.

Because of this, I was able to find opportunities that I would have never found. Networking opportunities that led to volunteer work, great connections, and even my job. I wouldn’t be where I am without taking a shot at all of those things.

Do nonstop learning

Nonstop is one of my favorite songs from Hamilton (thanks to my girlfriend) and it’s there because of the message it portrayed. Although there were some consequences with the actions that Hamilton performed while working nonstop, he was able to outwork everyone around him and accomplish so much in the time that he was presented.

That’s what I took from this song. I will admit, it’s not the healthiest for your body and soul, but I never looked at it like that. I saw it as a challenge, and with practice I was able to build myself up to continuing networking and working long hours throughout the night. This threshold to keep going allowed me to stay ahead of the curb and pushed me to do more than most people.

Who’s going to tell you story

The legacy of Hamilton was remembered because of how he wanted people to remember him. He wrote so much about his journey, and it was the connections that he made that allowed his story to be told. This right here is the reason why I write these articles: to let people know who I am and to remember me for what I did.

It sounds a bit high-horsey I’ll admit, but thinking about your image and the impact you brought with you is something to cherish and be proud of. No one is going to remember what you did unless you give people the outlet to remember. It’s why I love putting myself out there on LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube: I have a story to tell, and I want people to know my story.


Love it or hate it, you can’t deny the impact this show had on people. It impacted me heavily, both in my personal and professional life. It saved me from the dreadfulness that was quarantine and it gave me something to listen to when I was deep into my career transitions.

I can’t thank Lin Manuel Miranda enough for bringing this show to life, and I can’t imagine where I would be without the lessons that I learned from this show. Hopefully, another banger like this will come out and I can learn and grow from it just as much as I did from Hamilton.

And that concludes my “Horsemen of my Mindset” series. While there’s definitely a lot more people who impacted and influenced me heavily, these are the three from most recent memory that come to mind. Stick around for more content as we move into the new year in the next coming months!

If you found this helpful, feel free to check out my other articles! Connect with me on LinkedIn if you want to keep the conversation going, and check out my YouTube channel to see me interact with other beginner and senior designers within the community.

Want some mentor recommendations? Check out my ADPList profile and my post on how to look for mentors.



Jason Casimiro

Associate Content Designer @ FFW | Venture Initiative Ambassador @ ADPList | The Resource “Guy” @ UXD Struggle Bus